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We are pleased to announce that Marikina Valley Medical Center has recently acquired the Signa Explorer 1.5T (GE technology) for MRI. The First of its kind in Marikina.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of today's fastest growing imaging modalities, spurred in part by rapid advances in technology and important new applications in patient care. It is the newest, and perhaps most versatile, medical imaging technology available. By using strong magnets and pulses of radio waves to manipulate the natural magnetic properties in the body, this technique makes images of organs and soft tissues with higher spatial resolution than those of other scanning technologies.

MRI provides the most detailed images of soft tissues such as the brain, eyes, inner ear, blood vessels, organs (heart, liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas), the female reproductive system, the bladder and prostate, and joints (shoulder, knee, wrist, ankles and feet).


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Plain/ IV)

  1. Brain routine imaging
  2. Brain stroke imaging
  3. Brain epilepsy imaging
  4. Pituitary imaging
  5. Internal auditory meatus imaging
  6. Orbit imaging
  7. Nasopharyngeal imaging
  8. Neck imaging
  9. Cervical spine imaging
  10. Brachial plexus imaging
  11. Shoulder joint imaging
  12. Elbow joint imaging
  13. Wrist joint imaging
  14. Hand imaging
  15. Upper limb long bone imaging
  16. Cardiac function imaging
  17. Thoracic spine imaging
  18. Liver multi-phase imaging
  19. Abdomen imaging
  20. MRCP imaging
  21. MRU imaging
  22. Lumbar spine imaging
  23. Female Pelvis imaging
  24. Male Pelvis imaging
  25. Rectum imaging
  26. Hip joint imaging
  27. Knee joint imaging
  28. Ankle joint imaging
  29. Foot imaging
  30. Lower limb long bone imaging

Special Procedures /Advance MRI examination

  1. Brain perfusion imaging
  2. Brain diffusion tensor imaging and fiber tracking
  3. Brain spectroscopy
  4. Neurovascular imaging (circle of willis MR angiography)
  5. Neurovascular imaging (sinus MR venography)
  6. Common carotid MR angiography
  7. Spine diffusion imaging
  8. Breast imaging
  9. Cardiac morphology
  10. Cardiac perfusion
  11. Myocardia scar imaging
  12. Liver fat quantification
  13. Renal MR angiography
  14. Lower limb MR angiography
  15. Knee cartilage mapping

· MRI/MRA Brain
· MRI Brain with Spectroscopy
· MRI Whole Spine
· MRI Upper Abdomen with MRCP

The MRI is located at the 2nd Floor, MVMC Main Hospital Building Operating hours Mondays - Saturdays, 8AM-5PM For inquiries, please call 8682-2222 local 206